Thursday, September 18, 2008

Loki is Hiking to Help Dogs in Need!

I'm an alum of Harnessed to Hope and I'm really excited about this hike. I'm a regular at Core Creek Park where my humans take me at least once a week for walks and a little swimming. October 18th will be a little different since I'll be walking with my friends to help raise money for other pups in need.

You might not know it, but I'm a little bit of a hero. You see my human was taking me for a walk, which I love by the way. As we got to our house, I heard a noise that I hadn't heard before. I tried to get my human to check it out, but she thought that we should go inside since it was chilly. Then my human heard the noise too. It turned out that the noise was a baby that someone abandoned on a doorstep a few houses down from ours. I don't want to brag or anything, but I'm told that if I didn't alert my human to the noise, the baby could have frozen to death. Boy am I glad we went for our walk when we did!

Please help me raise money for other Huskies in need, make a pledge today!

To pledge via check, make checks out to The Alliance of Northern Breed Rescues. On the memo line, please note 'Loki - HTHNBR', and send to Alliance of Northern Breed Rescues, PO Box 773 Horsham, PA 19044.

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