Friday, March 30, 2007

Hubert, Helena and Hero

Here is an update on our three remaining puppies. They are growing like weeks, and cuter and cuter!

Here is Hubert on the left and Helena on the right.

Click to enlarge

Here is Hero:

Are they cute or what?


Begered said...

They are absolutely adorable! I browsed around a little on your site and I think it's great what you are doing to help these dogs!

Michele sent me...

Anonymous said...

My daughter is active in our local Basset Hound Rescue here in southern California.

Bless you for all you do for these beautiful companions. I would take one of these babies in a blink of an eye, if only I were not in my 70's and living on the Mojave Desert. They deserve a cooler climate.

Michele sent me.